Friday, January 26, 2007

Wow! Matt was right...this blogging thing is really hard. Here it goes you finally get to know the inner workings of PRO Girl.So the other day once again Mel, Jenna and I all showed up at work with the same outfits on. Total Bummer.

This caused a huge fight. Words and fists were thrown, but we still were unable to come up with a solution

Zach was getting pretty pissed. (Actually this is his party face)
So we decided to settle our differences the old fashion PRO Girl way…SHOE LACING RACE. Obviously Mel won with her lightning fast shoe lacing skills. I think the samurai hairstyle had something to do with it.

So here you go, you finally get to see our complicated lives. Check back soon to hear about sales we have going on this week.


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