Sunday, August 24, 2008


Ladies! Its that time of year again when we are clearing out our summer stock with incredible deals! A wide selection of dresses, tank tops, shorts, and bikinis in a variety of sizes are on sale now!

Do you love shoes like we love shoes?

Right now we have an amazng deal: 1 pair for $49 OR 3 pairs for $99

Sale shoes aren't lasting long and sizes will become limited quickly so RUN don't walk down to the shop today!

On Monday August 11th, Pro Girl hosted a FREE skate clinic and BBQ! Girls of all ages and levels came out to learn some new skills and have some fun while doing it.

A very special thanks to Zach and Jon for helping out with pointers and encourgement!

Sarah dropping in!!

Jon giving Jenna some pointers on her ollie!

Zach encouraging Mel...

Sarah doing a B-I-G ollie!

Smiles from the ladies in the clinic.

Annie acheived her goal of dropping in to the bow not once, not twice, but THREE times!

Helen sowing Jon some love for helping out!

Thanks Zach and Jon!